Once upon a time…

Ruth Duffin
Published in
4 min readOct 13, 2017


Reflecting on the stories that we engage with

I have always loved to read, ever since I was a child. Maybe you love to watch movies or the latest popular drama series. In all of these we are encountering fictional stories. Today we often access fiction through the internet. This has changed things in two ways:

  1. Our horizons have widened. We have more choice than ever and can find stories from all over the world.
  2. Everything is much closer and more immediate. We can play an online game and enter another world for hours at a time, or watch many episodes of our favourite series very easily.

Stories in the Bible

As we read the Bible we see that it is full of stories and imagery. Jesus loved to teach using parables. The truths he was sharing came alive to people through the stories that he told. Jesus used fictional stories as a powerful tool in his ministry, so we cannot dismiss fiction. Instead we must think about the place that stories have in our lives.

Learning from the stories we engage with

When Jesus told stories, he expected his listeners to reflect and think about the meaning that these stories contained. It can be helpful for us to begin to think about what it is that makes us love our favourite movies or books so much. What are the genres, themes and ideas we are drawn to? Do these fit with the values of a Christian?

We can learn a lot about one another by the stories that we tell. They show the qualities that we value, our dreams and fears. When we discover someone else who likes what we like, it can make a connection between us. We can now access stories from all over the world. We can learn so much and grow in understanding of the rich diversity of cultures that inhabit our planet.

Learning about ourselves

Sometimes entering a fictional world can be a way for me to escape if I am feeling unhappy or alone. We need to look at ourselves. Do we ever turn to stories to escape from things in our lives? Or maybe stories give us things that we feel we are missing. Does the fan of superhero movie feel that their life is boring and without excitement? Perhaps a lonely person, feeling unloved, will want stories of romance and love. Sometimes the stories we enter can seem better than the real life.

A true story

Turning from fiction to reality, have you ever thought about the story of your live? If we are looking for a story where we are the hero, we will be disappointed! Often our lives are messy, confusing, disappointing and painful. But if we are Christians, we are part of a bigger story. Jesus is the hero of this story. We are the ones who cry out for help, are saved at great cost and then can enjoy a future of freedom and joy that is completely undeserved. This is the greatest story ever, and it is true! This story is big enough to meet all our needs and satisfy all our longings.

If we are looking to fictional stories to meet our needs, we will be disappointed. They cannot bear the weight. The answers and hope they can give us is only temporary and fading. The biblical story is the only story strong enough to build our lives upon.

Some Suggestions

  1. First of all, think about the stories that you love and the reasons why. Then think about your life and what it is that draws you to these fictional worlds. Are these reasons healthy? Maybe you need to decide to start engaging with different kinds of stories. Try looking for something completely different, engage, reflect and see your world expand.
  2. Are you trying to escape from real life? Instead of avoiding your problems, take these needs and loves, desires and fears, and bring them to the true gospel story all Christians are part of. Find the answer in Christ and his gospel, and be reminded that truth is always better than fiction.
  3. Think about your time. We only have 24 hours in each day. Compare much time are you spending reflecting on the true gospel story that you are part with the time you spend in fictional worlds. It’s easy to get out of balance, maybe you might need to make some changes.



From the UK, living in Bangkok, following Jesus, sharing life with students.